FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

this post is straight fire


I wonder what monstrosity you would get if you trained a chat bot on my mafia posts

i like atlas nuance and depth of thought and his toan is good

i like demiā€™s callout on apo and subsequent suspicion on me pocketing them. it felt real

tbc these are by no means strong reads btw

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What do you think?!?
Shopping? XD

bad read

Brad fourth.
(Third. I am willing to let Litten liveā€¦ a very long time.)
Bah, you always have a soft spot on him.

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nope, just a thought that I get from my alt lol


Sounds like skill issue from Marluna, actually.

Is there such a thing as a good read?

Obviously reading Frost.

It was implied.
Heck I even stated I ainā€™t reading all this shit. XD.

I also stated what I plan to do instead.

its a good effort but you cant hold a candle to the real deal

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any of your reads :heart:

where are you getting that i act like its a problem lol i just want to know why

yes ive townread min for a while


Honestly that is a perfectly reasonable decision. Have a nice day


people be like ā€œyouā€™re boring for voting sleepā€ but then also attack me and call me scum for it so I feel like in actuality itā€™s a bold play

VOTE: Apocryphal

like here as an example
i feel like min does not jump to disagree with a scumread on someone as wolf that quickly
regardless of choleā€™s alignment
feels like min is just braindumping, even if 95% of what comes out is fluff

Yeah of course, if you have seen my previous game then thatā€™s how I do process of elimination pools into several groups.

RaisinBranEnthusiast lockv glgl