FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I think you mistyped “zero”

I don’t think so tbh

operation fartic commences

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im town bc my pfp is sexy



i thiink u are town but i would think u are town if u were a wolf probably so you are being locked in null hell

but my dumb read on u earlier was for calling litten’s post on u bad cuz remember the dumb lylo game (lock town me for bringing this up btw i would never as wolf) with me/you/litten and i remembered u kept calling all of litten’s posts about u bad and it reminded me of that lmao

Aren’t you seeing ur boyfriend?

hi town I am death

this post is what made me realize ur pfp is animated

sure ill lockvilla you for that

you’re literally the main character
the worst part is that you’re so erratic it’s difficult to read you

disagree and youre getting itad immediately upon the window opening think carefully b4 u speak…growls

holy shit tell me more socrates

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No you can’t.

i think we discussed that this was a very controversial opinion

Who is this about

your pfp is literally a garfield character

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Arctic a tiny bit town.
Min I’m not sure but can be town.
Kiiruma can be a wolf but nothing stops them from being town.

GGhana is the only one whom I believe is Townie from their Kiiruma vote.

why would you never bring it up as a wolf

seeing as in texting

he lives in scotland :wowee:

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