
mafia vigilante is quite obvious

achromatic are you sure you gave me this flower

Im feeling less and less confident on anything going into this session but i do wanna shoot this session aaaa maybe i should wait

not really, but you’re missing an entire day’s worth of context
you also did look at evo, i think

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SHOOT :gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :joy::girl: :girl::books: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun::gun: :sweat_drops::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :fu::joy: EVIL SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_right::couplekiss_man_woman: :older_woman::person_raising_hand: EVIL :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :cry: EVIL SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: SHOOT :sweat_drops::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_in_tuxedo::busts_in_silhouette: :smile: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :tongue::sweat_drops: :gun::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :older_woman::heart: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :busts_in_silhouette::person_in_tuxedo: EVIL SHOOT :drooling_face::gun: :weary::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_pouting::girl: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::boom: :princess: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :smiling_imp::up: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :smiling_imp::japanese_goblin: SHOOT :gun: :eggplant::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_gesturing_no: :woman::man_with_gua_pi_mao: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏾:scream: EVIL SHOOT :sweat_drops: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :rage: SHOOT :drooling_face: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :people_wrestling: EVIL :rage: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :eggplant::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::two_men_holding_hands: :male_sign: EVIL SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_right: :two_men_holding_hands::heart: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon::japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp::rage: SHOOT :dart: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::100: EVIL :smiling_imp: :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :poop::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :two_men_holding_hands: EVIL :poop::japanese_goblin: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :older_man: EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :dart: :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_raising_hand::busts_in_silhouette: :man::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :poop: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏼 :person_frowning: EVIL :smiling_imp::poop: :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::weary: :gun::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :sparkles: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :rage: :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :eggplant: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏼 :person_gesturing_no: EVIL SHOOT :gun::weary: :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏻:fist: EVIL :rage::rage: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_pouting::girl: :busts_in_silhouette::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :japanese_ogre: :u6e80::u7a7a: :japanese_ogre: :u6e80: :u5408::u7a7a: :japanese_ogre: :flushed::u6e80: :japanese_ogre: :u6e80: :u5408: :japanese_ogre: :u7981: :u7981::u7981: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: 🏽:male_sign: EVIL :poop::rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: :tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: :scream: EVIL :poop: SHOOT :gun::gun: :tongue::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun::eggplant: :drooling_face::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :heart:🏽 :man_with_gua_pi_mao::smiling_imp: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL SHOOT :dart::drooling_face: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :clap::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_getting_massage::arrow_left: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::woman: EVIL SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :heart::person_pouting: 🏾:fu: EVIL :rage: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :eggplant::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :spiral_calendar::man: EVIL :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :heart: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :rage: SHOOT :gun: :dart: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_in_tuxedo: :male_sign::person_pouting: EVIL :smiling_imp: :rage: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eyes: :heart::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :tongue::dart: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: :rage::poop: SHOOT :drooling_face::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :up: EVIL :japanese_ogre::waxing_crescent_moon: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::tongue: :gun::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::busts_in_silhouette: :scream::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :poop::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :eggplant::drooling_face: :gun::drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_left::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart::sweat_drops: LITTEN :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a::u6e80: :sake::u7981: :japanese_ogre: :u7981::u7981: :japanese_ogre: :u7981::u6e80: :u6e80: :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a::u7981: :japanese_ogre: :u6e80::flushed: THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL SHOOT :gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :sweat_smile: :busts_in_silhouette::people_wrestling: EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: SHOOT :tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :busts_in_silhouette::male_sign: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eggplant::person_tipping_hand: EVIL :rage::poop: :rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :sparkles::balance_scale: EVIL :poop::rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :older_woman: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :tongue::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: :waxing_crescent_moon::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :drooling_face: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL :japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :gun: :weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :two_men_holding_hands::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :rage::smiling_imp: :rage::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :weary::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_right::heart: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon::rage: SHOOT :gun: :sweat_drops::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :books: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :busts_in_silhouette::male_sign: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :eggplant::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :interrobang: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏾 EVIL :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :drooling_face::weary: :tongue::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_goblin: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eggplant::man: EVIL SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :man::girl: EVIL :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: :rage::rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: :drooling_face::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :spiral_calendar: :older_man: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun: :dart::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :princess: EVIL :joy_cat: :waxing_crescent_moon::waxing_crescent_moon: :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :woman: :cry: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN:japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: :u7981::u6e80: :japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a: :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a: THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_shrugging: EVIL :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign::girl: EVIL :smiling_imp: :waxing_crescent_moon::smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart::sweat_drops: :drooling_face::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign::busts_in_silhouette: :girl: EVIL :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :person_frowning::sparkles: :girl::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :sweat_drops::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops::dart: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_in_tuxedo: :balance_scale:🏾 EVIL :poop::waxing_crescent_moon: :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :drooling_face: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏾:heart: :person_in_tuxedo::muscle: EVIL :poop: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :drooling_face::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :people_wrestling::person_raising_hand: EVIL :poop::japanese_ogre: :japanese_goblin: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽:girl: EVIL :smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::gun: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :x: :eggplant: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant::sweat_drops: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :joy: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp::rage: if :santa::sweat_drops: :clap: anyone :bride_with_veil: :boy::man: has :clap::a: :a::x: a :school: limited-use ability :point_right::point_right: reply to :sweat_drops::arrow_right: :sweat_drops::u6709: this message 🏼 :bulb: i have :weary::raised_hands: a gift for :man: :raised_hands::eggplant: you :expressionless::facepunch: SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :100: EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_goblin: :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_goblin: :rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :balance_scale::male_sign: 🏽:point_right: EVIL :rage: :rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops::tongue: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eggplant::balance_scale: :point_right::fu: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :joy: :busts_in_silhouette::cry: EVIL :japanese_goblin::rage: :waxing_crescent_moon::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette:🏻 :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :confused: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :poop::poop: SHOOT :sweat_drops::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :man::clap: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :joy: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant: :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: :poop: SHOOT :eggplant: :gun::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign: :zzz: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: :waxing_crescent_moon::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::man: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 :male_sign::zzz: EVIL :smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :books::girl: :interrobang:🏻 EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon::japanese_ogre: :rage: SHOOT :gun::dart: :drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre: :japanese_goblin::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :gun::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :eyes::heart: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏻🏾 EVIL :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :scream::older_woman: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :poop::japanese_goblin: SHOOT :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::busts_in_silhouette: :fist: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :dart::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::man: :girl: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_left: :two_men_holding_hands:t4: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :tongue::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :muscle: :scream::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :japanese_goblin::rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :confused::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_goblin: SHOOT :gun: :sweat_drops::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :point_left: :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::rage:


I am not evil

helo threadze

I drive home from work then will be around for a while

im not particularly sure you didnt just
change accounts?
but im not too keen to kill you when you’re playing

if litten is evil i will eat piper



I think so

my role is very flower related and I targeted you last night

would be funny if not true


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Yeah Evo is the only slot I looked at so far

literally i have been solving harder today (especially consdering the amount of tabs i have) than yesterday already yet im being called reactive again

Okay I hate whoever did that.

Well now we know wolves have a mod poster

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i want to call beancat town just for that


Something you disagree with him? How many times when town legacy reads are ignored?

thx 4 this