did u shoot a wolf (genuine question)

did u get greenchecked (genuine question)

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the action we got

I have one of those from an event

so just say a name and I will submit it

shooting a wolf > greencheck
mechanics suck and can be faked
sorry i dont make the rules friend

yeah me neither I got rescinded :pensive:

Vote Count

May (12): Chloe, Wazza, Frostwolf103, benguinedparbecue, Amelia, Arctic, tutuu, Sadbi, Achromatic, cheesethatiscloned, nutella, guavagudetama
Italy (9): Chloe, Wazza, benguinedparbecue, Amelia, Arctic, Sadbi, Achromatic, nutella, guavagudetama
eevee (1): tutuu

Not Voting (30): an_gorta_slanktai, Apocryphal, Ashlyn, Atlas, beancat, Cape90, catbae, crazynuto, Demisha, eevee, ElizaThePsycho, EV.0, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Italy, Jane, Jarek, Kork, Leafia, Litten, Magnus, Marluna, May, min, RaisinBranEnthusiast, WindwardAway, YouButWorse, Zone_Q11, Zorvo

yeah i need to sleep thats probably just him having a good read

i didnt rescind dont worry ur town

well maybe in the upcoming ITA phase I’ll just have to
pull a few strings

Nevermind bozo

Hold that, Worse.

alright Worse what you thinking

or do you just want me and Achro not to submit

At least I am willing to trust you

and you expect italy not to

imma be real i havent been paying attention to mech and idk who to pick for it

italy is dead today, its a night action

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Italy is literally being executed :skull:

welllll im sorrryyy i dont have tmi

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Ah so we dont need to waste our ita on him, gotcha

bro can’t press the vote counter