I saw catbae’s read on them but I didn’t think it applied because someone directly told them why they should vote creature. I think their response to the read was towny and I thought #8501 was also more likely town that not.

(I’ve switched to laptop because I hate posting on phone)

(I pulled out all the wires and plugged them in again and it did nothing. Now my mother tells me I need to pull them out again and leave them out for 10 minutes before plugging them in again which makes no sense but I’m doing it anyway :wowee: )

why are you so nervous on this read

What’s her shotliat again?

im not nervous

i think they misunderstood how it worked

this reads as very nervous

Did everyone submit Catbae

Voting ends in ten mins

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king submissions close in 12 btw

in theorhy wolves could stakc on some random and it would be close but i doubt it

My neighborazor was the only semi-useful ability.

The rest is only for harassing people…

its not

im more so annoyed and wish people would talk to me

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thanks litten you stole it

I think best king candidates would be like Litten, Chloe, Firekitten, Catbae.
I think Catbae has less survivability due to being more confirmed, so would lean towards the others.

if someone not catbae gets crowned we just add them to the list

where do i vote

in class card

just vote catbae thats thread consensus

waiting for king kyo

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im really not a masher so i dont know how to optimize ITAs that well tbh

im not confident on any of them but i feel like they should all go