may is prob mafia
others idk

so what 12 people would get their roles changed I’m not understanding this

they’re in the game?

let me check may posts

that’s that and this is fucked up

@Min try Chupie.

for the record i was somewhat mechanically incentivized to pass setups but i rejected that one because it felt like the right thing to do and i guess it worked out because it meant mafia didn’t get anything

That might’ve been late, I dunno.


yea it looks like chupie


@Daeron, WTF!? You submitted a setup with this role in my name!?

I did save Arctic last night

Can confirm.


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I forgot to post flavor at SoD so you get random SoD2 flavor now have fun

Early progress was made in determining what had happened to the Fortress of Lies in 2138, when two bodies were exhumed and various chemical and medical tests were performed.[12] Their grave goods were also subjected to extensive testing.[13]

The two bodies were ultimately identified as belonging to opposing political factions within the Fortress, based on metallic badges that were found within their graves containing the symbols of the different factions.[14]

The first individual was buried with a red badge with the emblem of a black hat on it, which has generally been associated with what is typically referred to as the “Bragging Faction” due to a similarity between the word used in most extant sources to the Italian word “mafiusu,” which is believed to be etymologically connected.[15][16] They were buried in an outfit resembling a lizard, which is believed to have ritual significance.[17]

The second individual was buried with a green badge with the emblem of a house on it, which has generally been associated with what is typically referred to as the “Enclosed Piece of Land Faction,” from the Old English “tun with a weird line over the u.”[18] They were buried in an outfit resembling the “suits” commonly worn in the twenty-first century, which is believed to indicate the extreme importance of work in Fortress of Lies culture.[19][20][21]

Further investigation revealed…

- Carmine Usher, “Deaths in the Fortress of Lies: What do We Know?” Journal of Interdisciplinary Historical Studies 19, no. 2 (June 2259): 198-214. doi.org/itsday2nerds

:clap: stop :clap: supporting :clap: fucking :clap:graverobbers :clap:

okay look I know you all are sick of hearing about my special interest by now but I just FINALLY managed to get access to the back issues of Interdisciplinary Historical Studies and I’m so mad. Like come the fuck on, there’s a difference between history (extremely important) and “literally digging up the graves of innocent people to “”””learn more””” about them”? Like how would you like it if someone did that to you.

- excellentmoons. Tumblr, “What Historians Won’t Tell You About The Fortress of Lies.” March 17, 2512, 2:12 PM. tumblr.com/excellentmoons/62723

The fortress was noisy and tumultuous.

It was nearly five A.M., by their confused clocks’ best guesses, and the sky outside was starting to lighten for the day, so probably that was close enough to accurate. Still, though it was nighttime, the rooms were packed with groups of people searching for supplies, having conversations, and keeping watch.

A pair of screams ripped through the night, on opposite ends of the castle.

The tour guide sat up from where she was blearily trying to focus on one of the books they’d manage to scavenge. She glanced around the room. Hers was one of the bigger rooms, and she could see several dozen pairs of eyes looking to her for guidance.

She pointed down the middle of the room. “Everyone on THIS side, go investigate what’s going on over there,” she said, gesturing to one direction with her head. “Everyone on THAT side, go investigate over there. And – stick together, okay?”


atlas magnus stole the word from you

min whats the word thing i missed the explanation

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well it would be an event with that setup presumably. this setup was also 10 players 3 v 7 with n0 start which is already way too mafsided on its own even without taking tailor and jan into account

there’s no way you actually cared to entertain magnus’s scumread of chloe, min

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i’ll do a dive after i eat

ill explain soon

It’s throwing to shoot me too but then again it’s Zorvo