The void thinks that last post from Chloe both discredits her own ability and any suspicion against her unrightfully. I’ll keep other things said under wraps for now.

Actually, didn’t Ranta accuse Chloe in FAM2? I could compare that.

Eliza, on Jaiden?

Why Jaiden though?

they should have killed them after the first mafia death rooky mistake

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Because I want her to stop saying for us to shoot Jane and she’d probably agree to getting shot by eliza :froggwee:

Leafia usually posts perpetual catch-up walls and sleeps most of the other time. What were you expecting from her?

if someone gotta kill me it cant be my own blood


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Random question to anyone:
“Thoughts on unlimited ITA window?”

Imagine peace and quiet in this game, not to mention it might me bad idea

to play


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probably bad idk

Sure. Don’t ITA me D3 then.

The void actually has a follow-up on Litten, one sec.

wtf i have nearly 200 posts already ewww

Well do you want me to do it

It’ll be extra embarrassing with my REDUCED ITA HITRATE

Never explained.

Later Litten lied about my alignment to Chloe, because it was easy to misinterpret.

Separate instances but they are adding up.

Slank said Daeron spew’d Raisin as town. I read the ISO and only found casual talking, and not even on topic.

Apparently town trusts slank bc he shot lol. Normally I wouldnt credit this bc lol was on death row anyway. But someone mentioned it is against Slanks metta to buss so… idk

Other than slank no one else said yes.

No one else commented or questioned raisin.

I was voted soon after shooting at them.

This is the equivalent of Town of Salem’s “slow votes”

ive considered that it isnt a vig bc i thought u were dead meat after u claimed lol

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if youre town don’t ita jane
literally anything else go for it

magnus I hope you know no one cares what you say about me because I purposefully play polarized as town because it makes my job at beint a villager easier, and because I can get away with it as a wolf