what did you learn

i tried but i cant figure out who lol used their action on

it was one of the first 2 since theres no new emojis

that’s insomnia right

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you can’t change ur icon during games??

i think i’ve done that a million times holy shit my bad


:fred: ?

Didnt have any fucking charges now did I. I get base one per day phase and get more for doing various activities which I didnt do because I forgot. Fakeclaiming. Etc

@Chloe you didn’t back down until after Achro told you to.

lmfao no geyde had me add that one a year ago

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How do you just forget

I have never lied in my life.

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do you think if i was a wolf i would have backed down there

please take me off the shotlist

anyway whenever next ita window is i’ll be here

Assuredly so.


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I understand that. Do you think that about Magnus on Chloe too?

I was putitng it off to the end of the day phase and then I went for a walk on impulse and almost died oftoo hot outside so I had to lie down for the rest of it

Anyway, I think May’s role sounds inordinately weak in comparison to some other roles that have been softed in the game, like Masons.

While we’re here I am the Town Semi-Priest and May is the golden child for today if you vote him then I lose my ability toplace deciding votes… pretty fucked up we better not do that

Not my damn fault now is it