If you were reading into the situation I could be a wolf jumping on a free gladiate bonus execution on a townie who looks like they’re hung out to dry with the gladiate serving to give May zero chance to come back or recover because I’d be forcing town to 50/50 right away

I really shouldn’t defame my position like this but it’s fun.

then i have to share a hood with 4 people ontop of the 14 i already have


I am notoriously good at winning events it seems.
Or at least scoring high.

I don’t remember a single mash where I had less than 2 prizes, lol.
Now at least I have minimum quota met.

my d2 is getting worse
im gonna sit back for a bit

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our hood we be cooler tho obviously

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Uh uh. Did she pay for that sub or did you give them money?

I thought YBW had towny things day 1 (i honestly forget what townpinged me there) but today i dunno, just looks worse.

Kiiruma’s flip isn’t too surprising to me tbh

What did you mean by this?

What the fuck you have a 14 man hood?

Why is no one inviting me to cool hoods


Why is no one inviting me to scum chat


Uhh let me think here

Are we talking about mech shots or ita?


imagine not being invited to scum chat

Void thoughts:

Row =rand.
Gorta v > rand.
YBW should go on a shotlist.

Still catching up.

he’s done basically nothing for most of the day thusfar yes i KNOW it’s only been five hours shut up i’m talking and it seems like he’s very willing to just get pinballed around the thread offering useless commentary on stuff he sees without contributing any of his own thoughts or anything useful in general, he’s pretty much existing just to exist, and then essentially a pointless gladiate unless it specifically needed to be done in a certain timeframe give the fact that there are still ITA windows open and dozens of people who haven’t shot

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Hmmm, kind of iffy honestly. Could be a woof but wouldn’t be that surprised if he flips V.

Who do you think flips w

In my opinion ashlyn is the first person to have the correct read on me because compared to everyone else I am doing what could be considered coasting by. It’s for good reason I really don’t have anything to say here and I’m not even going to try and isolate 200000 posts when by the time I’ve tabbed out for 5 minutes 10000 more have appeared.

I find it weird more people don’t think that’s weird. But are more than happy to call out other people for not being as active

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