my notes on jaiden over night

aiden - Oh my, the slot that went “oh I want to be quirky and start of a CFD wagon that won’t take off but let’s not go pigeon because they are a villager and I’ll look really bad for voting the main counter wagon!!! Really, I dislike their behavior at end of day and I personally dislike most of their posts. Also disliked how they rejoined the creature wagon.

Jaiden making 0 attempt to read may this game to my knowledge might make jaiden scum.

I just said town and wanted to stick with it for giggles

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i think that’s just trolling regardless of their alignment but it kinda looks like they’ve just given up

im not quite sure whats going on btwn cape and achro but kinda feel theyre both v for it

also had massive deja vu writing that post idk why

well this isn’t cryptic at all

Catbae shot woof
Jane claims to of shot woof
Chloe tried to rolecop min, but she failed for some reason. Mustve been jailed(?
Tutu claims wazza is town by ??? information
nutella rolecopped slanktai
Hippo has 1% ita boost lmao woo him!!
Litten claimed the prizes from trivia include silent itas
nuto targeted kiiruma
min has magnus’ role, although not alignment
sabi claims to have saved arctic
jarek and may are thunderdomed (alongside normal execution)
eliza claims to…win people who she shoots?
evo is claiming some sort of neutral idk
magnus is talking with the voices in their head

probably some i’ve missed but here @Chloe feel free to copypaste and add

i dive out now

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Me and cape. Just a couple of town buds

I was sus of jaiden anywya im happy to its in 15 hours which is next ita session im here for

guys i think wazza isnt mech confired town

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i guess i’ll leave wazza/tutuu alone and just let them resolve

if its endgame and u gotta figure them out then figure them out

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What makes you think it was eevee alongside with hippo? Curiously

Nah I’ve seen jaiden call loudly for a villager to be killed when she’s scum
There’s not really much oomph in it, she just repeated it without much enthusiasm and with not enough conviction to convince anyone it was actually a good idea

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@arctic read tbeir eod

Because hippo sent me a song that only eevee would tell him to send

Eh it has to happen eventually

for as long as im alive, u guys should never kill wazza. obviously u can reevaluate once u see my flip. sounds good?

unless u think me and her and both mafia and we are going to win the game by doing this. otherwise u should just trust the mech and keep playing


Reminder: submit your roles for this by the deadline!

I thought Nutella had the rolecop?

im still fairly confident wazza is spewed town but yeah