Are u the same jaiden that subbed in my slot in the syndicate game hosted by katze and sabi? Probably right?

Well @ everyone else i think jaidens posts this game are similar to the one time i briefly read them towning in. But ive never seen them wolf. So i cant be confident in a read here, but jus throwing i out there. A shaky townread if u will

who gets brad then


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so the villagers think Iā€™m a wolf
amazing play villagers

Hey Atlas. Do you townread Chloe and Litten? If so, why?

Are you surprised

yes because Iā€™m obvious v because Iā€™m tucking polarized

Actually, you already shared a thought on Litten. Chloe then.
Everyone else for both.

No one in particular. Feels like there is a blob of names we need to sort.

It is why i said i am firmly in my scum meta as not having strong scum reads is in my scum game. The killed scum dont have a massive amount of spew in terme of buddies. We could deep dive topic 1 for obscure clears but not sure where to go in terms of scum

i think we should make me the king today except that if iā€™m wrong we donā€™t kill me tomorrow

yes and yes
i didnt like chloeā€™s opener d1 but past that sheā€™s been very proactive within her pushes and establishing strong reads that have become nearly concensus based off their powerful reasoning
litten has overall been a silly little man thats had decent reads and is way out of his scummeta


Has to be town (magnus)

I was going to snapvote you for that first sentence already
Coupled with the shot attempt on lol

But I feel like people are going to kill me if i do because iirc youā€™re consensus town

leafiaā€™s posting today has been scaring me btw
and atlas had a point that sheā€™s backing down from her reads quite easily
maybe a hit at this stage


oh yeah the game i subbed in and immediately freaked out thatā€™s probably pretty close in meta to this one
except i had like. a semblance of reads there
i remember you!

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im over here tryna wagon her the entire day

I know how to figure out if leafia is a wolf

@Leafia claim what you did last night

Game is going too well for me to be scum. My fol win streak is too op

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Yeah I think both are good points
Sheā€™s lacking in conviction