If Achro was a wolf, he would have been dangerous.


so whats our shotlist lookin like rn

I donā€™t think Leafia is evil; I donā€™t get the logic behind it; sheā€™s more insidious as evil, she pockets and plunders like nobodyā€™s business; here she only hasnā€™t done a whole lot.

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im personally more curious just to see what peopleā€™s base instincts are
buttttt thats just a response so i dont have to make one

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hazard (?)
jaiden (?)
cape (?)

I have a lot of tentatives huh

Is magnus also a jester but ita

My spicy paranoia wolf read is on Ashlyn but itā€™s all just gut.
Iā€™m also not gonna check them.

Iā€™m not gonna say who I check tbh, Iā€™m just gonna do it.

I hate that entire list except silviu and italy

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i think cape depends on what nutella and catbae have to say since they have the meta

Well I thought she was being more cautious than she normally is as town, and also did not like her OMGUS on me

But Iā€™ll wait and see for a bit longer, Iā€™m not going to fight with a bunch of people claiming green checks on each other because theyā€™ll just resolve themselves eventually.

I barely read the game

No. Itā€™s because I thinktheycould be a villager and Iā€™ll likely be able to get a better read on them later. The way theyā€™re going against thread consensus like they are is something that I find villagery. I think a wolf would be scared to do something like that with so many of them dead.

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I go with my gut, the same gut that caught several deep wolves when no one else did, the same gut that was able to find fellow townies good when no one else could, the same gut that could consistently read Alice, and the same gut that is decent at reading people I have no meta on and getting accurate reads. I make mistakes, but I have learned that if I donā€™t trust my own gut I accidently shoot townies. There have been games in which I trusted a public shotlist and neglected my own gut feelings and guess what, I was right. Some things canā€™t be explained with ā€œreasonā€, it just works. You should try trusting intuition more. I really donā€™t try to have a massive ego, itā€™s just I want people to recognize my gift


i would replace jaiden with row personally

Is this your shot list?

fair but also like
I am very unconfident rn

Ftr Iā€™ll be gone until late in ITA session 2

sorta yes chloe asked :wowee:

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ash would be a spicy but not necessarily bad shot

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why donā€™t you shoot me

haha oh wait you canā€™t :nerd_face: