Zorvo actually rolecopped me and hooded me last night and we swapped roles I actually rolecopped lol and you guys murdered him wtf guys

I just got done with my role PM entry

Shooting me!?!?!?!

WTF Gira

Anyway though

It is sleepy time for the Nyamaturge

alignment copped, rolecopped, same thing

you know youā€™re a degenerate when people 5 hours or more behind you in timezone are going to sleep before you

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what does FPS mean again?

Anyway you guys donā€™t know zorvo and Iā€™s relationship very well

I am uber confident (as the scanned ofc) that he would never CLEAR a potential power wolf lmao

Imagine Zorvo flip is cleaned tonight oh my god

youā€™re a cute couple


Because you waited for me to be online and active

Fancy Play Syndrome

oh ok

to be clear youā€™re lock town obviously

itā€™s just such a dumb shot that it would be the type of bad shot you see town make way more often than scum, except when scum are close to winning and just choose to openwolf

We are cuter

I mean yes, keep suspecting me so I dont die

I have so many event prizes now its great tbh

I mean I did none of that in my last game you were with me in and the moment I said something I got pushed X_X

  1. vulgard isnā€™t necessarily always right and neither are you.

  2. i have made like handfuls of posts that are proactive, being reactive isnā€™t even scum ai, and iā€™ve pointed out several reads of my own that primarily came from myself, so this is just false

  3. me ā€œhumoringā€ someoneā€™s case bc i wanted to have information to see if i could follow their fuckgin mindset, because i didnā€™t have a read on them. also, i can say chloe is town and occasionally tinfoil her lmao

like yeah iā€™m the looser who is wasting posts defending myself but youā€™re literally picking out the weirdest reasons to call me wolf

no reason to tinfoil zorvo relax guys its cool

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i was about to say this lmao