Sounds like logical thing to do, we dont want 2023 best scum reward on him as well

Unless you’re partnered but whatever

except row gg to you

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Row shouldn’t have died, I told y’all I wanted him to live. :sob:

So they spew all four of them town?

oh since i forgot to respond

the role is like

99% just a town role lmao

he did live



What role and is the role mechanically confirmed?


i guess its time i give guava a re-read huh

eliza is the one that makes people win by killing them

this is mech confirmed, as row was explicitly stated to leave the game

Yeah I can see Guava being a wolf.
Especially with their vote on me.

Sulit died, leaving Italy and benguin.

Oh damn.

Now I actually dont feel like shooting them

Wait a second.
Didn’t mafia have a role that they can give a mafia member an ability of their choice?

im not sure if defending silviu when hes on the chopping block is twtbaw actually but the posts from earlier in the day certainly give the heebie jeebies

guava kinda fell off tho

That role died

Idk, someone should probably look at the flipped mafia, anyway I’m gonna go to bed.

If that was the case though, props to Eliza if it was their idea to tell their partner to give them an ability that cool.

the plan is to make a few reads, plant a vote, then go to sleep