Honestly we fucking take everything so far.
We have perfect 1-for-1s for town and mafia. (2 of the town ones being modkills but I shalln’t discuss that more)
I did the thing I was going to do

That’s one way of thinking of it. Maybe both lucky and unlucky.

hence the unusual

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If that’s true, then the odds of surviving those shots is roughly 81.79%

Eh. More like conditional poisoner.

I mean, if it is exactly sulit (role)'s ability, then technically you ought to be able to survive the day if you were to successfully kill whoever targeted you.

–also, this would imply that someone was Backup and not ToS Retributionist, since sulit (role)'s ability says: “All Curses are removed if you die.”

(I mean… It could still be Retributionist if someone is being nitpicky about the wording. The Curses are removed upon death, but what if the user was already dead?)

i cant process the mech talk while also thinking about who should be shot let me know what comes of the fight

i already did

it’s because you have to know who targets you lmfao. you do realize as long as you don’t know who it is, it’s equal to a goon role. right?

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OK well hopefully she’ll just post more

idc if he gets shot in ITAs ftr, i just think him flipping either alignment would not surprise me

good meowning
I’m alive I think

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by the way i was kinda thinking zorvo’s posts lacked TMI on creature in hindsight and i don’t really think he treats partners like that


yeahhh that

this means nothing

mafia and town both have to guess who is best to target lol

you are
do you have a readlist or anything you’re on a main shotlist

I think insomnia’s point is just that it isn’t a scum-indicative role, not that it’s towny

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when creature said this these were the wagons:

Leafia (3): Apocryphal, Cape90, Sadbi
Litten (3): Vulgard, Marluxion, nutella
beancat (3): cheesethatiscloned, Arctic, Jane
Atlas (2): guavagudetama, Hippopablompoyeetus
Vulgard (2): Zone_Q11, ElizaThePsycho

might spell some bad news for friend beancat

@Jane what did you think of row in your overnight read

@catbae whats your read there rn

im going to iso rq

so your rolecop means nothing

if it’s =rand why do you think im a wolf?

it’s cuz you got a rolecop off and you don’t want it to go to waste xD

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I think he’s town if daeron isnt

its a verry lolseth moment but i wouldnt clear him off that

ted seems town to me