im not but if people want to think im lying that would be epic :3

except it’s vulgard’s not mine so ge t fucked


i fear consensus ends up being more powerwolfy actually, you can have so many random voices reinforcing bad reads

im super worried about my bad reads getting puppetmastered but i gotta play

you cannot use it. dont worry about it my role is obvious on flip

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Someone should post the current shotlist right before ITAs start too.



This is a stretch.


This is my profile. As you can see, I didn’t play as much as FK makes me, 5h total and last one 2 years ago. Enough to get 97% without mods. But that score is above my paygrade.

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i want to call you a wolf so bad because this cannot bew real

But if people think it’s yours they won’t shoot it lmao

I have an announcement to make



mafia vigilante is quite obvious

achromatic are you sure you gave me this flower

Im feeling less and less confident on anything going into this session but i do wanna shoot this session aaaa maybe i should wait

not really, but you’re missing an entire day’s worth of context
you also did look at evo, i think

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SHOOT :gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :joy::girl: :girl::books: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun::gun: :sweat_drops::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :fu::joy: EVIL SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_right::couplekiss_man_woman: :older_woman::person_raising_hand: EVIL :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :cry: EVIL SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: SHOOT :sweat_drops::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_in_tuxedo::busts_in_silhouette: :smile: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :tongue::sweat_drops: :gun::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :older_woman::heart: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :busts_in_silhouette::person_in_tuxedo: EVIL SHOOT :drooling_face::gun: :weary::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_pouting::girl: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::boom: :princess: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :smiling_imp::up: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :smiling_imp::japanese_goblin: SHOOT :gun: :eggplant::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_gesturing_no: :woman::man_with_gua_pi_mao: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏾:scream: EVIL SHOOT :sweat_drops: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :rage: SHOOT :drooling_face: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :people_wrestling: EVIL :rage: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :eggplant::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::two_men_holding_hands: :male_sign: EVIL SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_right: :two_men_holding_hands::heart: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon::japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp::rage: SHOOT :dart: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::100: EVIL :smiling_imp: :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :poop::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :two_men_holding_hands: EVIL :poop::japanese_goblin: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :older_man: EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :dart: :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_raising_hand::busts_in_silhouette: :man::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :poop: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏼 :person_frowning: EVIL :smiling_imp::poop: :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::weary: :gun::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :sparkles: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :rage: :japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :eggplant: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏼 :person_gesturing_no: EVIL SHOOT :gun::weary: :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏻:fist: EVIL :rage::rage: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_pouting::girl: :busts_in_silhouette::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :japanese_ogre: :u6e80::u7a7a: :japanese_ogre: :u6e80: :u5408::u7a7a: :japanese_ogre: :flushed::u6e80: :japanese_ogre: :u6e80: :u5408: :japanese_ogre: :u7981: :u7981::u7981: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: 🏽:male_sign: EVIL :poop::rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: :tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: :scream: EVIL :poop: SHOOT :gun::gun: :tongue::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun::eggplant: :drooling_face::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :heart:🏽 :man_with_gua_pi_mao::smiling_imp: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL SHOOT :dart::drooling_face: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :clap::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_getting_massage::arrow_left: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::woman: EVIL SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :heart::person_pouting: 🏾:fu: EVIL :rage: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :eggplant::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :spiral_calendar::man: EVIL :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :heart: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :rage: SHOOT :gun: :dart: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_in_tuxedo: :male_sign::person_pouting: EVIL :smiling_imp: :rage: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eyes: :heart::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :tongue::dart: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: :rage::poop: SHOOT :drooling_face::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :up: EVIL :japanese_ogre::waxing_crescent_moon: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::tongue: :gun::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::busts_in_silhouette: :scream::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :poop::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :eggplant::drooling_face: :gun::drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_left::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart::sweat_drops: LITTEN :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a::u6e80: :sake::u7981: :japanese_ogre: :u7981::u7981: :japanese_ogre: :u7981::u6e80: :u6e80: :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a::u7981: :japanese_ogre: :u6e80::flushed: THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL SHOOT :gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :sweat_smile: :busts_in_silhouette::people_wrestling: EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: SHOOT :tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :busts_in_silhouette::male_sign: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eggplant::person_tipping_hand: EVIL :rage::poop: :rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :sparkles::balance_scale: EVIL :poop::rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :older_woman: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :tongue::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: :waxing_crescent_moon::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :drooling_face: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL :japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :gun: :weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :two_men_holding_hands::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :rage::smiling_imp: :rage::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :weary::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_right::heart: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon::rage: SHOOT :gun: :sweat_drops::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :books: EVIL :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :busts_in_silhouette::male_sign: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :eggplant::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :interrobang: EVIL :smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏾 EVIL :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin::japanese_ogre: SHOOT :drooling_face::weary: :tongue::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_goblin: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eggplant::man: EVIL SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :man::girl: EVIL :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: :rage::rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: :drooling_face::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :spiral_calendar: :older_man: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun: :dart::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :princess: EVIL :joy_cat: :waxing_crescent_moon::waxing_crescent_moon: :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :woman: :cry: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: :gun::gun: LITTEN:japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: :u7981::u6e80: :japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a: :japanese_ogre: :u7a7a: THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL SHOOT :gun::sweat_drops: :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_shrugging: EVIL :rage::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign::girl: EVIL :smiling_imp: :waxing_crescent_moon::smiling_imp: SHOOT :dart::sweat_drops: :drooling_face::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign::busts_in_silhouette: :girl: EVIL :smiling_imp::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :person_frowning::sparkles: :girl::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :sweat_drops::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops::dart: LITTEN THEY’RE :person_in_tuxedo: :balance_scale:🏾 EVIL :poop::waxing_crescent_moon: :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :drooling_face: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏾:heart: :person_in_tuxedo::muscle: EVIL :poop: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :drooling_face::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :people_wrestling::person_raising_hand: EVIL :poop::japanese_ogre: :japanese_goblin: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽:girl: EVIL :smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun::gun: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :x: :eggplant: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant::sweat_drops: :gun::sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: :joy: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :smiling_imp::rage: if :santa::sweat_drops: :clap: anyone :bride_with_veil: :boy::man: has :clap::a: :a::x: a :school: limited-use ability :point_right::point_right: reply to :sweat_drops::arrow_right: :sweat_drops::u6709: this message 🏼 :bulb: i have :weary::raised_hands: a gift for :man: :raised_hands::eggplant: you :expressionless::facepunch: SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :100: EVIL :japanese_ogre::japanese_goblin: :waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_goblin: :rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :balance_scale::male_sign: 🏽:point_right: EVIL :rage: :rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops::tongue: :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :eggplant::balance_scale: :point_right::fu: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :joy: :busts_in_silhouette::cry: EVIL :japanese_goblin::rage: :waxing_crescent_moon::smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette:🏻 :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :confused: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :poop::poop: SHOOT :sweat_drops::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :man::clap: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :joy: EVIL SHOOT :eggplant: :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_goblin::smiling_imp: :poop: SHOOT :eggplant: :gun::eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign: :zzz: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_ogre: :waxing_crescent_moon::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::man: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT :tongue::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :man: EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon: :poop::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏽 :male_sign::zzz: EVIL :smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :eggplant: LITTEN THEY’RE :books::girl: :interrobang:🏻 EVIL :waxing_crescent_moon::japanese_ogre: :rage: SHOOT :gun::dart: :drooling_face: LITTEN THEY’RE EVIL :japanese_ogre: :japanese_goblin::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :sweat_drops: :gun::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :eyes::heart: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE 🏻🏾 EVIL :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: SHOOT :gun: :tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :scream::older_woman: EVIL :japanese_ogre: :poop::japanese_goblin: SHOOT :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :girl::busts_in_silhouette: :fist: EVIL :rage: SHOOT :dart::weary: LITTEN THEY’RE :busts_in_silhouette::man: :girl: EVIL :japanese_ogre: SHOOT :gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :point_left: :two_men_holding_hands:t4: EVIL :smiling_imp::japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin::waxing_crescent_moon: SHOOT :tongue::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: LITTEN THEY’RE :muscle: :scream::person_gesturing_ok: EVIL :japanese_goblin::rage: SHOOT :sweat_drops::gun: LITTEN THEY’RE :confused::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :japanese_goblin: SHOOT :gun: :sweat_drops::tongue: LITTEN THEY’RE :male_sign::busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp: SHOOT LITTEN THEY’RE :point_left: :busts_in_silhouette: EVIL :smiling_imp: :japanese_ogre::rage:


I am not evil

helo threadze

I drive home from work then will be around for a while

im not particularly sure you didnt just
change accounts?
but im not too keen to kill you when you’re playing

if litten is evil i will eat piper