FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

Would vigging Italy make sense so we open up eod?

Otherwise idk.

If there’s deep wolfs it’s probably Litten and Achro.

What does this mean?

he is making a flawed play because he doesnt believe i have the logical capabilities to demand this

What are you talking about

what if it was a desperado
i dont really want to shoot italy with that

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Italy didn’t claim dayvig bulletproof so it could work, but I dunno.

Whats a desperado?

Maybe all the “in a wolf” jokes by Litten has made me extremely psranoid

shoot wolf, wolf dies
shoot villa, you die

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nice tequila

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Zorvo greenchecked achro

It’s a long story. I’m communing with the source of all evil.

Yea fair enough.

Yea I just dunno. Sbpc?

this is why i wanted to shoot marl today and i would have looked so cool but now there’s not really anyone who i scumread but would be good to have as an IC

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I have heard a million times

But it’s also Seth.

Until I see Seth’s role PM I don’t trust what he claims.

like if i want to live i just kill italy but i think clearing someone we have doubts on but would be good as an IC is better

which is why i wanted min or hippo

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Ok lol
I have different reasons for not fully believing the claim but sure


(I’m not confident there I haven’t really read their posts. I wolfream them by virtue of not townreading them)