FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

It is

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I was in an event with apo and I couldn’t talk about it outside the thread until it was over

yeah i’m just signal boosting

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It was.

@Hippopablompoyeetus you said my summaries were useful stick to my poe you little bitch i sm defending you

(Said with love)


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Anyway ima go back to sleep and probably miss the ITA window

ill just come out and say that the JOAT ability from the setup event is a tracker, so if yall want info from it id recommend holding off shots on me until tmrw’s ITA window

taking modpost requests

so its crazy eevee hippo frost?

Hood still pure

Fuck it we ball


So whats the shotlist rn


I broke zones game by tring hazard vul and marluna day 1 of april showers

Good times


Chloe no please don’t do this to me

convince me on eevee, please

I deny being in neighborhood with them.

I think evo and gorta are more likely to flip town than bot but idfk who else we shoot

nobody’s telling us whos in the hood so litten assumed you were bc hippo

Helb me

Eevee is no threat to win as scum and will do something neat day 5 to win the game for town

Easy stash for late game


I think that’s 4 villagers

i have my own vague reasons for townreading them but im not too confident