FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

ight ok fair enough.

ik I want him to greencheck me so I really don’t have to play

I’m already not playing but that will give me an excuse

you dont know. how long on that night i had to sit in my chair re reading the first thread trying to sort out my stress to pick someone to die.

i’m evil awoo

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what ever dick gave me a KP deserves hell (joke… probably)

I don’t think it gives you an excuse but then you won’t die to ITAs or something if you’re town

Anyway I doubt that’s what he’s doing but w/e


I am very glad I have kp even though wolves probably aren’t going to slank again if they know I exist

I left out a key detail that it makes sending whoever claimed that to the shadow realm cost less


the one time i got given a gun in april showers i nearly had a heart attack and then shot my best friend. it was a wild game

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VOTE: Gorta


I’m a member of the mafia
Now I’m on discount
I’m budget mafia


Damn this is wild out of context

What was your best friend’s alignment (politically)

wellbutrin for the record
get your head out of the gutter

I’m not wording what I actually mean very well but it’s 2 am

I’m trying to say like
if I were greenchecked I can shitpost without people trying to figure out my alignment LOL
I would still be trying to read people but arguing with people to prove I’m town is hard and I’m just a little catboy

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I’m not using this yet
Cuz I might also want to shoot min or hippo

And also maybe nutella after i speak to chloe or catbae


Oh lol ok

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