FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

  1. Is it osu


I dont wanna be catholic ;-;.



Demi = boring but consensus shot

I for one wanna shoot hippo now


No i didnt lmao

People have been trying to kill Demisha to no avail, but technically there’s also Evo and Raisin.


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@Chloe who’s dying?

I don’t understand what this logic is
Wolves are going to kill people who were obviously never mafia anyway, waiting for that to happen won’t solve anything. Just kill the people we aren’t finding / won’t find as town

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you’re going to church pack your bags

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I’m fine with that but idk if shotlist is

Let me go for may spew rn

I said to kill silviu a lot sabi i am not guava

Not sure
Im tryina iso for spew rn


not if i put the catholic church in the void first

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Wait. Was May in Jeopardy? I don’t remember.

Same but I have too much self-doubt right now

  1. Is it a video game