FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

lets see

Blood for the blood god

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Well, give me new target to question and shoot, I guess.

okay well iā€™m literally town

please tell me what town min is supposed to fucking do right now because i literally canā€™t defend myself

@Demisha has died! They were:


You are Rajidae, Town Captain. Lately, youā€™ve started trying to take on more of an active leadership role, such as when you stepped up to shoot Green in Pokemash. However, other players donā€™t always listen to you, even when youā€™re right. This game, weā€™re giving you a role that takes both halves of that into account.

Try To Lead (Day): Target a player, and name a second target. At the start of the night, if they have a night ability that can target, they will be informed: ā€œSomething bad may happen if you do not use your ability on [second target] tonight.ā€ If they could use a night ability on [second target] and do not, their ITA hitrate will be reduced by 5% tomorrow.

You win the game when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.


Iā€™ve explained this already outside games so obviously my awareness of the tell makes it null, but yeah usually Iā€™m too scared as wolf to be in thread and post fluff

@Achromatic @Litten

Do towny things

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Yeah honestly, but they were stretching so hard to scumread me and i know theyre better at this game and dont fall into tunnels like that. Magnus would put aside my death, ehich i do believe they need for a mechanical beenfit, since it is brtter to just not kill town


IVE LITERALLY just been existing this entire game

Yeah that happened to me for a bit but it just happened to be outside of ITA phase, you just got unlucky that your turn in spotlight is during phase lol

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i was rly hyping myself up for a w flip there lol


damn i thought ppl were tring demisha rip

woulda gone beancat over that


no in fact one might say itā€™s quite based

Well that wasnt very useful anyway

magnus is just doing whatever this game they probably die ita4

and maybe guava from the silviu stuff i saw quoted


Beancat please