FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

that’s unrelated

gorta town leader still haunts me


so my analysis has it that gorta, if he was an important village PR, would have posted 10 times less his current postcount

so that’s out the way.

only good wolf role and bad village role is on the table


Can you claim to be a member of the mafia
This does nothing except make my ability cost less

i just haven’t been quite as active recently in general
my family thinks it’s depression induced by withdrawal
don’t think too hard about it

Oh hi hazard, no demons bothering in your sleep?

I’m a member of the mafia

gg you’re getting lie detected

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ight ok fair enough.

ik I want him to greencheck me so I really don’t have to play

I’m already not playing but that will give me an excuse

you dont know. how long on that night i had to sit in my chair re reading the first thread trying to sort out my stress to pick someone to die.

i’m evil awoo

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what ever dick gave me a KP deserves hell (joke… probably)

I don’t think it gives you an excuse but then you won’t die to ITAs or something if you’re town

Anyway I doubt that’s what he’s doing but w/e


I am very glad I have kp even though wolves probably aren’t going to slank again if they know I exist

I left out a key detail that it makes sending whoever claimed that to the shadow realm cost less


the one time i got given a gun in april showers i nearly had a heart attack and then shot my best friend. it was a wild game

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