FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

God im hard carrying town so hard right now lmao

The method is simple, clear out many people as possible. Should be no more white names remaining, then that pool is cleared.

opinions on cape/evo?

we killed their dayvig
they have a night vig
yea thats not much so far lol


Eevee locktown.

like just general reads

See? I told ya you can just post the VC as is.

VOTE: leafia
VOTE: may

Les go

Why no pity likes :(

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I am hard vetoing leafia

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Never mind. The [not voting] part is broken.

I am not interested in neutral hunting. I can give a look on Cape, but no promise.


Inb4 we have killed exactly none of their KP and we all die tn

they have a full vig which is backed uo 3x on players of their choice, the 1 shot dayvig, maybe some other stuff?

it’s less strng than you’d see on MU probably because the assumption is players on this site will do dumb crap


may go play splatoon ur not doing ur team any favors give them a chance


i think pool 4 is mostly town?

this is literally what I was saying yesterday and I was told to shut up and that jaiden was cleaned I hate all of you

Sorry @Dark_Joycat, but I think you need to reset the VC after every ITA session.

that and fam2 had maybe a bit too much wolf kpn