FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

didnt think abotu that but kinda just assuming everyone will die

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Okay I didnā€™t see lol

Target me tonight if youā€™re protective

My role is to redirect the action towards the caster

hey wolves you realize you dont join we just clear min hippo right


Only reason Iā€™m not joining is because my brand is not joining events

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if i survive i will shoot u with vig unless u also join

See I volunteered to sacrifice myself because I can feel myself dying to paranoia

You are locktown

We could just let the event go away if we are tryharding no need to take risks

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever joined an event
I think once? And we killed a wolf

Min and hippo welcome to townsville

problem is may is already dying so they lose nothing from this

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so I wouldnā€™t join


Iā€™m just extremely lazy

Actually, no.
Italy had BPV, and only died because Arcticā€™s shot was strongmanned.

i have joined two events
do i join a third

this is scuffed

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They win a vig if they donā€™t die, donā€™t they?

but what if i did tho
