FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

THey’re all so quick to tell us to join but al cowards to actually join


Ah i got a sore throat

May isn’t town though

coward :pensive:


where did may go lmao

@Achromatic Your reputation of town leader is on the line, I entered Boats of Horror TWICE and lived

I am unbelievably close to joining you dont get it

And if they live they just kill a town and we gain nothing

okay then
join it for a third time.

Guys please

What if I join

everyone just out


I wonr be baited. I die enough by scum hands

Chloe why aren’t you agreeing

dont join frost it will scuff the dnd game if we both die

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I gain nothing out of the rewards this game.

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@min out

i did!!!

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Ywa min and hippo can u out please