FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

It’s ok I don’t know half the claimed roles in this game lmao
Just meant it’s not the first time I’m claiming this

Leafia probably is playing spyro

She might not have it lol

Leafia won both times

everyone else lost at least once

should i just say it, i had thought to keep it quiet but theres so many mechs i guess it doesnt matter

i feel the pain of only getting to choose 2 people to be besties with


Kork flipped mafia dayvig
Death event happend, jarek, may, hippo and leafia joined - hippo died and flipped town, leafia won


Despite being super heroic and probably locktown somehow I’m a trash neighbourhood pick I don’t have a braincell


Close. I get the ability to bleed someone so th eff y’ll die at the end of the day.

ok, but why though?


people tried to convince me not to join but I am bold and fearless and didn’t realise I was going to be playing RPS


…can you do it now?

It’s ok you gladiated a wolf
I shot a wolf who was already dying lol

May i choose your target since i encouraged you to join?

If I knew it was rps I might have joined my rps record is crazy

Is it bad I only did that initially because it’d be funny?

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I have just the perfect target in mind

Right here.