FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

Also no. We had a VT last year.

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Skill issue

also it would be funny if I was vt but I’ve won so many events you’d never know.

I only mentioned god because Litten said so.

A part of me just does not like Magnus’s posts, but I think most people who do have a read on them town read them

ESL: IDK what “par for the course” means.


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Zone do you have any abilities or are you a literal VT

Nobody likes my slot on a micro level any game you’re fine.

Well, standard/expected

Par is the expected number shots to clear a course in gold

I always like magnus’ slot on a micro level.

I just wish you’d stop trying to use meta

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People seem to think I like to troll. Clearly, I do not.

Tried that. Somehow didn’t work, and instead got townread. (Yeah uh… This is what happens whenever I play as Town: I play too honestly and too stupidly.)


I think I’ve only formed about three reads off meta this game.

That’s pretty much my point

Sometimes being too blatantly evil gets you towned for whatever reason

Hence the “if”.

I have no active abilities.
Guess what my passive does.

Not only talking about this game, granted.

But I am not sure if any of the 3 were very good.

Okay that answers my question my stupid tinfoil die in a fire

I have an ability, yes.
I am not a VT, though I might as well be one.

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