FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

okay but someone should actually protect me, if beancat restocks me i have another desperado lol


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Okay but its public knowledge roles are non consective

Lmao what

VOTE: Jarek
VOTE: RaisinBranEnthusiast

Self pres

It’s me joking

That’s what rhe card says :man_shrugging:t2:

this is what happens when there’s a little beneath 50% of the dead players all being non-town

yeah he’s lolcatting


wasnt italy bulletproof :joy_cat:

thats so bad

man I need to read that mechanical thing lol

Yes Guava can die.


Why you voting jarek

I’m vigging myself for ultimate towncred

Well evidently he managed to lose it somehow but yes

thats a meme claim

no way is that serious

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