FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

Yes you are getting it

Cheese skipped guava in readlist
Cape never mentioned him except sticking him in a list of wolves
when a lot of his reads were tmi-y

And look at his limp tr of him when he didnt realize he was outed

lots of really good players and arctic


I take all undue credit for towns winning all the time on fol now.

I have changed the culture.


They don’t

hey guava do you know what the wolves were thinking when they thought anyone would approve daeron’s day 1 setup



poor wittle arcy

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What was the setup

Knowing kyo he submitted without consultation

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I can make a compromise for if i turn out to be wrong on cape

can someone xplain the wolfslip

Be nice to my honeybuns

It’s okay arctic is lw the town is still stacked

claimed a dead wolf role


claimed the role and flavor of a flipped wolf

i posted in the first day 2 thread lemme find it

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He had a bunch of other ideas though
I’ll let him share them post game

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He claimed a flipped mafia role (without checking that the owner of the role is dead already)