FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

A public shop has opened.

  • Any living player may purchase an item from the shop for 1000 Mana.
  • You may only purchase 1 item per night.
  • You may only purchase each item once over the course of the game.

Items for Sale:

  • Fire Essence
  • Wild Essence
  • Water Essence
  • Ice Esssence
  • Air Essence
  • Earth Essence
  • Holy Essence
  • Dark Essence



Players: Unlimited
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: Submit your answers by the night action deadline.
Other Notes: :3

How to Join:

Solve the puzzle, and send us your action privately by the night action deadline.

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private.


Arete sighed. Even though they’d set their post requirement for their new game, “Joat^Joat,” at 25, well above the normal site minimum, their game was still full of slankers! Even though it was only the first night, they were looking at a risk of potentially having to sub out the entire game.

The Mafia Joats were the closest thing the game had to active players, but even they hadn’t managed to hit the post count. Cassandra, the Mafia investigative JoaT, had a “relatively solid” 21 posts, which was more than anyone else could say. Icarus, the Mafia manipulative JoaT, had 20. And Garrik, the Mafia killing JoaT, had only 18. Still, at least it was much better than the town was doing.

There were a few active town players too, but not very many. Darius, the Fruit Vendor JoaT, had 18, even though he had the worst role in the game: JoaT(Apple Vend, Orange Vend, Banana Vend). Hanna and Lyric had 19 posts apiece, a funny coincidence when both of them had primarily investigative abilities. Magenta had 20 posts, so she was also doing pretty well, but she had decided to refuse to ever submit a night action in protest of the game not being mountainous.

Then, there were the most extreme slankers, the players who hadn’t even hit double digits. Both of them were usually active players, but today… not so much. Franklin had only made 9 posts, and even though he was a day-action JoaT, he hadn’t submitted his action either. Emiya was even worse – only 6 – though at least she’d sent in an action.

That left the last few players. Kaylee had made 15, but at least she had warned Arete that she might not be able to make postmin due to a sudden emergency, and promised to be more active the rest of the game. Jaguar had made 16, but most of them were just fluffposts. And Beryl had made 15, but all of them were massive wallposts – he was definitely putting in effort, even if he hadn’t hit the minimum.

Arete sighed. With so many inactives, they couldn’t just sub out the entire game. They began to start sorting the players and sending out prods.

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This role won the role design contest (you still don’t know who submitted it)


You are Apocryphal, the Nyuetral Nyaster Disaster . If there’s one thing you can do, it’s Nya. Your nya’s strike fear in the hearts of Townies and Wolfies alike. Some may say your influence comes from just speaking, others find themselves compelled to NYA with you. With this power you shall rule over FoL, and destroy all who oppose you.

Your Nyajesty (Passive): You are immune to any and all “nya”-based effects.

Nyathing Wrong? (Passive): If a whole day goes by without a single player besides you saying “Nya”, you will die at the End of Day.

Nya Nya Nya (Day): If you are the start of a Nya quotechain, future Nyas will give each player who Nya-ed a different effect.

First Nya - Yours. No obvious effect.
Second Nya - The Nya-ing player gains a one use tin of catnip, which will make their invest results fail for the night.
Third Nya - The Nya-ing player gains a cat tower, protecting them from being killed that night.
Fourth Nya - The Nya-ing player will die instead of you should you be killed that Day.
Fifth Nya - At the end of the next day, forum chat will be flooded with cat gifs.
Sixth Nya - The Nya-ing player will turn into a cat, and be forced to Nya for the rest of the game, or be modkilled.
Seventh Nya - The Nya-ing player joins a neighborhood with every other player who has Nya-ed this game. They must decide on a sacrifice to Nyagurroth by the EoN, else they all will die.
Eighth Nya - Nyabody can die for the next Night. Any attempts to will fail without any claws explaining why.
Ninth Nya - Nyaobody can win the game while you still live. You are so close to freedom.
Tenth Nya - It is time. You ascend to your full godly power, bathing the other players in your demonic light, converting them all, dead and alive, to your side. You all win together and collectivize into the dynyasty. You shall rule together forever more.

Oh Nyo (Night): A random player who has Nya-ed throughout the game will die each night.

You win the game when the Tenth Nya is uttered in a row.

@Arctic has died! He was:


You are Zenon, Town 1-shot Desperado. You’re known for posting a lot (namely in anime gif form), playing a lot, and, most importantly, making snap decisions – particularly in the endgame. In a recent game, Wild West FM, you were taken to final 3 and immediately voted the last wolf, resulting in a LyLo that was strictly speaking over in four minutes and two posts. This game, we’re giving you the chance to accomplish a similar feat.

You start with 7 Snapvote Charges .

High-Risk High-Reward (Day 2+, Immediate): Spend a number of Snapvote Charges , post Fuck it we ball glgl in bold red text, and ping a player. (When you use this ability, you should also inform the hosts privately.) If they are Town, you will strongman die. Otherwise, you will strongman kill that player. This action resolves instantly. The number of snapvote charges required to kill a player starts at 6, and increases by 1 every time you kill a player with this ability. It may be modified by any of the following conditions (the cost can never go below zero):

  • The player has shot at you in ITAs: -1 charge
  • You are using your ability within 1 hour of day actions opening: -1 charge
  • The player has claimed mafia (you must provide a link): -1 charge
  • The total number of living town players exceeds the number of mafia players by exactly 1: -3 charges
  • The player is mod-revealed to be town: -6 charges

You win the game when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.

His original role was:


You are Zenon, Town 1-shot Desperado. You’re known for posting a lot (namely in anime gif form), playing a lot, and, most importantly, making snap decisions – particularly in the endgame. In a recent game, Wild West FM, you were taken to final 3 and immediately voted the last wolf, resulting in a LyLo that was strictly speaking over in four minutes and two posts. This game, we’re giving you the chance to accomplish a similar feat.

You start with 7 Snapvote Charges.

High-Risk High-Reward (Day 2+, 1-shot, Immediate): Spend 6 Snapvote Charges, post Fuck it we ball glgl in bold red text, and ping a player. (When you use this ability, you should also inform the hosts privately.) If they are Town, you will strongman die. Otherwise, you will strongman kill that player. This action resolves instantly.

You win the game when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.

@Zirbo has died! He was:


You are May, Town Unlucky Cop. Many people are saying this!

the universe will conspire to make sure that you, in particular, fail as much as possible (Passive): The universe will conspire to make sure you, in particular, fail as much as possible.

  • All ITA shots fired at you will have a +14% chance of hitting.
  • Your base ITA accuracy is 14%.
  • Any abilities that select a random target have a +14% chance of targeting you.
  • A tied vote between you and any other player will always end in your execution.
  • You cannot be protected from death at night.
  • All events are rigged against you, specifically, in some minor manner.
  • The Mafia receive your full rolecard at the start of the game.
  • You will appear as a member of the Mafia to all alignment checks.
  • If you survive to Final 3, you will get a minor but extremely embarrassing post restriction.
  • Your name will be spelled wrong on your flip.
  • When you die, you must solve a riddle before you are allowed into dead chat.
  • You cannot be affected by any ability that interacts with the dead.
  • You are not allowed to post in the #memes channel of any discord server associated with the game.
  • Your favorite sp(l)orts team(s) will not be champions in the next season of the league(s) they play in. (Okay, we can’t guarantee this one. Pretty safe bet with the Flowers, though.)

:egg: HARD BOILED :egg: (Night): Inspect target player, learning their alignment.

You win the game when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.

record scratch we’re actually making a new thread


FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [33 alive] Arctic is Argon - Forum Games / Ongoing - Fortress of Lies

Is that it?


A post was merged into an existing topic: FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantly killed (real)