FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

That’s sus

Oh shit yeah who won the guess who event?

i left before it got announced



I’m also a dayvig

Well that surprises me. I generally thought godfathers weren’t a thing on FOL. Nevertheless, Umineko happened a very long time ago and if there hasn’t been one since, theorising about the odds of Achro specifically randing a godfather that may or may not (more likely not) exist this game or getting swapped into one from Marl’s role aren’t particularly appealing to me.

them using Random.org and winning makes me sad but also laugh

Process of elimination, there’s green, white and red colored names

The pools ensure there will be no white names left, whoever is colored are either dead or alive meaning like green are the ones I trust, red (Amelia and Apo), not much trusting at all

I have extra public itas too

Huh maybe kork is mafia then

Has a wolf roleblocker died yet

I want to believe kork is town because it would please me.


are there no dayvigs?

creature was one


I’m Town.

magnus can you see what we are saying in our chat?

Hi town I am dad


Godfathers aren’t in games that say results will always be accurate, and usually not in games that are strictly standard with no bastard elements

Outside of that it’s fair game