FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

I changed my mind

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reads change
some things matter less to your profile then others


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nut or min woukd be decent shots maybe i think idk

I rly dont want you to die arcy lol

From their ISO, I can see them flipping mafia.

But i would like to solve crazy or hippo before them.

Okay iā€™m pretty sure hippo is mafia because I just got a charge stolen from me LOL


No just Atlas Iā€™ve already realised Amelia is Town


Thatā€™s okay Zorvo, slipping is a working environment hazard

arc is nightkill material we wanna keep him alive mech and socially

@Arctic please donā€™t shoot me i really donā€™t want to die please donā€™t i have so much to live for, think of the children. I know you have pent up anger but this is not the way, do not take the life a young beautiful Hippo who did nothing but love and eat



nvm i can not iso
they have 370 posts in the d2-1 thread alone and fuck that
iā€™m hungry and was gonna get breakfast an hour ago but made the mistake of opening this hellsite instead

Do you not know how desperado works

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so you canā€™t reply to any part of my defense

I have a reason your explanation didnā€™t change my mind

Hey you cant accuse player like hippo for stealing

Do you have any mlre charges left

Alright who stole it. Hands up

is that reason social or mechanical