FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza


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I go with my gut


Are you the same role as Litten? Or day Vig?

Can we just work through apocs good list of ita people instead of jumping to me who is above like 10 people

im not sure what to think of hippo
i canā€™t read slots like that
i think his first reaction to the desperado was pretty bad but i like the posts hes making right now

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Mate, that is how mafia will win with underhanded tactics

Can you repost it

the fact everyone even people in bottom of ita pool are happy with the hippo yeet is telling lol

only guy defending is my homie frost

Ur gut is wrong

where are the damn mafia

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Now I donā€™t think Catbae is a wolf.
Like at all.

But if heā€™s still alive during like Day 6.

I would take a relook at this post.

nah they didnā€™t know my role at the start but i did claim a few hours ago lol

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Are you wolf?

never said locked scum. i said not the best look. and anyway i am a indecisive fuck so i will be asking people to coach my shot cause i am already getting shakey

this gonna last til d6? :cold_sweat:

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Look at the mirror

this one @Chloe (for reference my name is one above direct POE)


i believe in u hazardsamaā€¦.

Demisha is probably one.
Maybe Nutella as well.

you said apoc. thats achro