FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

Let me find them

Cause hazard claimed the void

Thanks Leafia, I will now proceed to shoot myself.

Seriously, please be more helpful instead of wasting my time.

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Aight real talk i am thinking windward cuz i wanna shoot someone outside obvious shotlist cuz otherwise someones gonna go ā€œhaha wolves forced to shoot each otherā€ so i need to kill someone who is prolly a wolf but not consensus shot

Iā€¦ dont rly have problems with this list lol


Hit me!

It was hazard

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Jane how am I at the top of your shotlist omg

oh wait
nevermind then

didnt you townlean hippo

gghana seems to be spewed by daeron, but idk now /shrug

Nutella did appear from nowhere yesterday when i mentioned them

Blood god is ok with this

the shotlist doesnā€™t really have a top

No i have no clue what hippo is ive given up

They stopped townleaning me when i put sus on them (as did everyone else it seems)

I have a godread and they are town

also didnt you townread me!!


we dont know

nutella can die for forcing her read on me so hard when she has 0 reason to think im a wolf

like seriously. itā€™s annoying