FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

I’m fine with it.

I’m just here to win. I’m sorry fi I messed up yoyr masterful plan of checking someone everytrhinf but the game demands blood and claims. There’s zero reason to hide or get titled because you are being asked to claim.

Tutuu’s frustration feels real

But like yeah

Mafia inherently know who’s mafia and who’s not mafia

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No because you are poisoning the well.

I host setups too (my flavor -which Daeron had- is literally called Setup Designer), except mine aren’t always balanced.

There is simply no factual, objective proof that there are 14 Mafia; it’s just that that number is -for most people- the most logical number.


Achromatic - greenchecked by Zorvo, been putting scum in the POE constantly
Amelia - claimed neg utility that targeted guava N1 and basically confirmed it, stoppng a kill
an_gorta_slanktai (insomnia) - shot lol immediately in ITA1, pushed for gorta to die, scumchat would not be such a shambles if he was in it
Atlas - has pushed a lot of scum and generally been townsiding, was targeted by a scum blocking ability on D1
benguinedparbecue - town counterpart to Daeron’s role
catbae - i forget why this guy is town actually
Chloe - been pushing scum left and right, super towny thought processes
Hazardwaste - sent Daeron to the void
Jane - slankvigged garfooled
Jarek - gladiated may on a whim and then joined a death event, seems genuinely clueless
Leafia - used the prize from a death event to bleed Gorta
Litten - pushed tons of scum

these are my locks

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Ok first off i am sorry i am bad at pronouns


I was referring to magnus


Can’t believe I’m agreeing with my tunnel target smh

im playing a game with my brother, but after that i will case the greenpeek’d villager

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agree with all of these

I don’t get why you’d get hellaciously pissed off as having to out as a cop when you openly softed an investigation result upon entering the game


Awesome cant wait. Bring it on!!

i would bus this entire wolf team if i was on it


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this is evil

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Damn let’s kill them I trust catbae’s reads

not litten but the post


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can you elaborate on the latter part of this read i dont particularly know their meta

he’s a pro masher