FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

god no back out

great i love suicide!

Oh no…

damn what am i, chopped liver? /j

can i join too

lets all join

Event signups:

  1. @Marluna
  2. @Amelia
  3. @Leafia
  4. @Ashlyn
  5. @catbae

signups close in ~4 minutes

The difference is you know the comedic value of your own death

It is very funny

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if one vaguely suspected person joins i might even consider it!


noooo pls

its only 1 in 5 chances

im feeling lucky

Yes jou can
Just type /in


And just like that the town lost the game to mafia

this is gunna age so poorly

is marluna not vaguely suspected? :thinking:

The reward will likely be worth it and I’ve already not only survived but won one death event so I’m feeling lucky.

if more people join it means im less likely to die

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Catbae gets it

but i hate rubos

im surprised you thought of marluna before yourself
