FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled



You said you were threatened to target me

unless they learn the permament no protection rule as well

I was not aware

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Thatā€™s literally it

Start of night 1 I got a mod message telling me to target you or something bad may happen

Probably a mafia ability?

Well at this point anyone whoā€™s paying attention knows lmao

we can make people in the POE shoot at zone i guess lmao

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I feel like thatā€™s definitely a good probability

Most people who knew me knew I was like

Obviously town d1

From what I could tell

But Iā€™unno

Brain no work

well yes now people know XD

I still wonder how kojima get in this whole FAM3 thing

Besides that Geyde once hosted Metal Gear Solid flavored FM game


i scrolled to the end of ITAs to see the criminality, has there been any sort of development since then

no just confused
gghana has to be a wolf right?

Hideo kojima who made metal gear (solid) series

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i can hope but i figure heā€™d openwolf in ITAs if so, the role sounds more detailed than heā€™d care to fake. Iā€™m holstering til he flips anyway

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