FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

True, but question: Who do you think are in my personal list? Hint: It does not include Frost since I pardoned him.

Anyway you can shoot me or something
or tell me who to shoot
Those Beast ITAs were a 2% hit rate FYI I was not kidding when I said they’re nerfed

no idea actually
tbh I’m not even sure why I’m in ur list I haven’t done anything to you in years

Like I was just as surprised as you guys were when the last one hit :joy: I was bluffing when I said the last shot might be guaranteed

how did any of them hit lmao

Weh. Why would you think you’re in my list?

you said it previously?

maybe I misremember

They only hit because technically it wasn’t my ITA on scum or it would’ve missed

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you stole my pelt ass hole/hj


2% Hit rate… If shot 20 times, then that’s about 66.76% chance of surviving all of them.


Anyway it’s sleep time for me but who’s on the list today, can I get a net net quickly so I don’t have to search? XD

@eevee can you claim ur role

@Litten, read this.

oh my god how did I miss this I can’t not read this


why is zone in the poe lmao

Tbh I did not believe the message about killing scum giving a reward
And since that turned out to be Gorta’s role I do still kinda wonder about the lol shooters, but Achro is way clear now and I think insomnia is pretty damn meta cleared, idk why he didn’t claim to get an item from Gorta but if he did it was prob a fruit vendor anyway so whatever

tbh kinda feels like we shouldve killed eevee by now


IDK. Atlas complained about how my D2 list was hard to notice because it was in a spoiler, so I made it big this time.

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