FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

oh yeah he said he was

I didn’t know you got phone messages from this

if i didnt trust you i would have put you into the void for that/j

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IDK. Didn’t I literally say that my own role could not be confirmed, and nobody wanted to try confirming it?


…but I hellbus

I do

What’s up

Wait really?

we need a role sir we are hunting osu down

i wanna say them and … crazynuto? dont remember

Can that wait till I wake up?

ITA’s are in lik four hours

crazynuto is dying to void and yeah gghana said he was dying to…something? maybe halfway through day? i forget the details but yeah


I should read more carefully, huh
Idk how I keep missing these

I’m just gonna do nothing, then

crazy nuto dies if i survive till eod. so anyone who takes shots at me is evil btw


And it’s 2 am here.

I am confirmable role, unconfirmable aligwhajf faction.
We can talk it when its not middle of night.



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What the heck lol

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oh right how did i forget

its me

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