FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

I wont vote myself

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if guava wanted the game to end quickly they should’ve outed their scum


endgaming after you bussed all your teammate is hard work


Do we have enough people willing to risk being blocked or without night actions that they outvote wolves?

me and catbae die tonight and i dont get to peek the deep wolf but u guys still kill them i believe. im sending thots and prayers

so true

Also I’m pretty sure I won’t die tonight considering I’ve done some pretty useless things and I think I’m gonna be negative utility soon for town, so anyway I’ll also vote

The first part was completely unrelated to the second part, idk why I worded it like that

Me sleep now

I think so.

can ITA some poor soul yet

Wait lemme check something

Oh yeah don’t forget my ITA gives a bonus accuracy buff to any further shots if we really want someone to die :smiley:

give it 2 hours 21m

FoL town moment tbh

okay but we have such a large towncore nuking half the playerlist is +EV

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whats shotlist

its also funny


So help me god I will hero shoot