FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

That was honestly funny

damn i wish rabbit was playing


just accidentally flashbanged myself by stumbling to the bathroom and then turning on the lights



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combined with Psychopath if you wanna do it for executions


book just told us it thinks town are gunna be killed in the itas

very helpful

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(it is not)

I suddenly hate psychopath less and less every time I remember vizier though

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okay maybe donā€™t kill the people we are thinking about killing

the uninformed people who made the book say they think townies are about to be killed

methinks uninformed spec but i could be reading too far into it

who are the wolves tho?????????

i dont rly think its smart to clear them just bc of my speculation

man idfk

maybe we shoot elsewhere for now

we can go back to that shotlist in ITA3 if we need? idk

idk where weā€™d even shoot

honestly considering that maf tried to pass an ability that makes mafia show up as town to alignment investigation through two different setups (even if they should never have actually been able to use anything from daeronā€™s role) iā€™m not entirely convinced that the greenchecks are infallible? idk maybe iā€™m getting paranoid

itā€™s something we can worry about later i guess but like. itā€™s worrying me a little

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maybe hostler

worry when theyā€™re alive but i wouldnā€™t read a ton into it - that first setup as said was copying an established setup likely thinking it was an easy pass