FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

Lettuce not

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Hey now. Take a chill pill. Even I didnā€™t yell when I got pressured by the hivemind.

How about you drink a glass of water?

Hopefully they did but I honestly donā€™t think so. Theyā€™re more in their townmeta than their wolfmeta.

what is he setup in your mind rn, inform me plz

I for one was expecting a lot more 3ps, some that may be neutral or may be helpful to town, so im a little iffy on the ā€œ3 scumā€

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Not especially. 16 anti town in sub 60 feels like a lot



I donā€™t think sadbi is mafia.

I donā€™t think a mafia player would deny Zorvoā€™s claim, when Zorvoā€™s role is high priority list on their kill lkst.

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im a cop. what a fucking surprise!

how could i possibly know wazza was town!

how could there possibly be another cop when zorvo correctly deduced there was one due to him being a miller!

im tilted out of playing. atrocious to force me to claim


zone had a very likely unpartnered interaction with may ftr
agree with catbae there

Well neutrals maybe

But 14 in sub 60 for pack mafia feels pretty comfortable

Maaaaaybe 4 left

But i think 3

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ehhh im still quite concerned by his treatment of guava and the way he phrased these reads particularly in the cheese posts

and most of the flipped wolves he names here were like, destined to flip by eod2 by then, so he could have just been getting ahead of it and trying to set up to go deeper

and he comes into today pushing 2 town when he should realize what i am now

Congrulations we donā€™t care who did you peek


ok i guess

Not sure about Luna, and Iā€™m fairly certain people donā€™t like Evo since he went silent, but I think people simply townread me.

I mean, if they donā€™t believe my role, then theyā€™re free to shoot me at ITA. :rofl:
Though: They do need to be prepared for a retaliation shot.

well one here

whereā€™s other

What was the case on Magnus btw

Day 1:

Day 2:

just think this is wolfy :person_shrugging:

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also I have something to quote hold on