FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

Hmm. Now that you mention it

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case me daddy


“What if amelia just told their kp to holster for no reason”

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how do i dislike a post

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the bedded a catboy comment was pretty sus

you know as well as i do that none of these are AI

YBW try not to expose the item I gave her challenge (impossible)

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Folks, you are way too good at this.
Most flipped wolves don’t even got any chance to shoot at all…


We killed one bottom we can kill another


Idk pick carefully, don’t even have to give it to me even if I’d rather go pew pew lmao

there ya go

i litearlly said earlier that part of my ability is i steal ita chance from someone else and give it to someone else what do you want from me

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‘What if achro decided as mafia godfather to play a hellbus game with the design of end gaming’

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stop asking for death and then complaining when I offer

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like my ability like my role ability like my role does that

take me and Chloe to f3 plz

oh I thought we were tryna disguise the item I gave you

Oh you’re one to talk

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My gaydar is going off


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