FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

No because you are poisoning the well.

I host setups too (my flavor -which Daeron had- is literally called Setup Designer), except mine arenā€™t always balanced.

There is simply no factual, objective proof that there are 14 Mafia; itā€™s just that that number is -for most people- the most logical number.


Achromatic - greenchecked by Zorvo, been putting scum in the POE constantly
Amelia - claimed neg utility that targeted guava N1 and basically confirmed it, stoppng a kill
an_gorta_slanktai (insomnia) - shot lol immediately in ITA1, pushed for gorta to die, scumchat would not be such a shambles if he was in it
Atlas - has pushed a lot of scum and generally been townsiding, was targeted by a scum blocking ability on D1
benguinedparbecue - town counterpart to Daeronā€™s role
catbae - i forget why this guy is town actually
Chloe - been pushing scum left and right, super towny thought processes
Hazardwaste - sent Daeron to the void
Jane - slankvigged garfooled
Jarek - gladiated may on a whim and then joined a death event, seems genuinely clueless
Leafia - used the prize from a death event to bleed Gorta
Litten - pushed tons of scum

these are my locks

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Ok first off i am sorry i am bad at pronouns


I was referring to magnus


Canā€™t believe Iā€™m agreeing with my tunnel target smh

im playing a game with my brother, but after that i will case the greenpeekā€™d villager

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agree with all of these

I donā€™t get why youā€™d get hellaciously pissed off as having to out as a cop when you openly softed an investigation result upon entering the game


Awesome cant wait. Bring it on!!

i would bus this entire wolf team if i was on it


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this is evil

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Damn letā€™s kill them I trust catbaeā€™s reads

not litten but the post


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can you elaborate on the latter part of this read i dont particularly know their meta

heā€™s a pro masher

Did they really?

Bruh moment

i still trust achroā€™s intuition on the approximate setup tho

letā€™s just say thereā€™s ~3 scum left and work with that, just knowing that we are very well off
like us having >10 scum left would be disasterous but also not ever a setup that hosts would make you know

it was slightly frustrating but not that bad at forcing me to claim. just bad gameplay but it happens. you saying ā€œwe donā€™t care who you peekedā€ is toxic as shit, it serves no gameplay purpose, u were just toxic for the sake of it at that moment

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