FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

a 5p masonary would be busted

Gotta break some eggs

its a mash

True. We did.

To be fair, eliza wasnā€™t involved when me and nuto decide to add you

i mean i think eliza is more likely wolf
is why we should shoot her lol

plus reading magnusā€™ iso thereā€™s like, no way you let that live in a mash

I am sorry magnus but you defended 10 wolves

Once GGhana flips in 15 minutes, I think Iā€™m going to try to get some sleep again too.

this is what made me think it was a factional, chloe

i will just trust u on this one bc i still disagree
they havent been like actively scummy but like

eliza is prob a better shot regardless

wait THATS how i got added?
i had no clue ok

we can shoot eliza just fine yeah

I am not defending eliza ;o

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its literally just eliza and apocryphal lmao everyone else is a ā€œbreak glass in case of emergencyā€ name like zone/wind


breaks glass

the entire playerlist


Eevee doesnā€™t have the power though, weird


owned catbae owned

thereā€™s like no way windy is scum btw

Iā€™d bet the game on it.

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frost is just really genuine like id be blown away if hes posting like this as mafia

frost is almost certainly good just from socials

I rather have epic fight with the queen and die heroically or triumphantly prove weā€™re here to stay

i dont think so either its just not strictly lock clear or w/e