FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

Tutuu please know when we kill you in itas your sacrifice will not have been in vain

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tutuu what’s your other peek you’ve done a lot of whining about being outed cop and no actually claiming who you’ve peeked besides wazza


i think we leave tutuu and sabi alone for a while


I am confident they are a villager but I think we’ve kinda settled into comitting warcrimes against the people who we’re not 100% sure about

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yea like half the game is more villagery so yea

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i give scum items in order to receive charges which then let me cop

i gave them a 1-shot machofier yesterday. thats how arctic died

i didnt know he’d be protected. i chose machofier since sabi couldnt consec. out of the things i could give htem the machofier was the least bad from the info i had to work with

“We” could. …assuming you wish for “us” to collectively throw the game. (I wonder how the heck the hosts will handle this issue though.)

Killed most of the wolf team and now have to find the last wolves moment

I do be thonking right now

who did you cop during n2?

macho macho mannn

i’m still worried about the connections btwn min/tutuu/wazza/insomnia but atp we go through a more straightforward poe before worrying about deep wolves

who did you cop last night
what did you give them n1

i didnt have enough charges to peek someone n2

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Achro was talking about Magnus.

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i gave them a half of a gun n1. if i give them another half they’d get a vig. they dont have it yet

i very heavily doubt insom is a wolf he killed lol and advocated for gorta and has generally been villagery and wouldnt play like this with a scumteam that disorganized
in fact i dont think they’d be that disorganized with him

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i need someone in my life that doesn’t let me off the hook just like nutella doesn’t

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That fits with the mechanics shown if doing things to get charges and then spending those charges

But also that is such a bruh moment of a role