FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

okay i did one with @Achromatic and @WindwardAway

obv the starting text is real text from the thread that i slightly edited for formatting and then the text generator picks up from there

it captured achro’s character impressively imo


Arctic: Achromatic, who do you actually scumread right now?

Achromatic: No one in particular. Feels like there is a blob of names we need to sort.

It is why i said i am firmly in my scum meta as not having strong scum reads is in my scum game. The killed scum dont have a massive amount of spew in terme of buddies. We could deep dive topic 1 for obscure clears but not sure where to go in terms of scum.

WindwardAway: I was going to snapvote you for that first sentence already, Coupled with the shot attempt on lol. But I feel like people are going to kill me if i do because iirc you’re consensus town.

Achromatic: Game is going too well for me to be scum. My fol win streak is too op

WindwardAway: Remember all your partners died in witch hunt and then you solo endgamed

Achromatic: Yes i do remember that. It was pretty cool. I mean i am not polarized obv but idk i feel like i have had towns best interests at heart.

WindwardAway: VOTE: Achro

Might move later, might not. Feeling like dunking myself in the deep end for now.

Achromatic: Windy the rules are you never vote for the person who fooled you as a deep wolf your last game with them. It impairs judgment.

WindwardAway: I don’t follow rules :upside_down_face:

WindwardAway: If by some act of idiocy I get town!Achro lunched then I will be dead to rights because that would be extremely anti-town. I’m just stating my feelings at the moment. Kill me for it if I’m wrong, I’m not entirely sold on it yet but i have a suspicion so I’m acting on it.

Achromatic: Can you stop being dramatic i had to sit through it in poke mash dead chat for 2 days. You can be wrong on me its not the end of the world

WindwardAway: I know it’s not the end of the world. I just have reasons for doing this. The hell were the rules saying that is required to throw a vote vote

Achromatic: Yeah i remember the troll with the bad hair party rule. That is an example of an idiotic rule. Lets call it out.

WindwardAway: Achro for the millionth time: Have you thought about your meta at all

Achromatic: I’m on this train but not the ship. I just want to make that clear

This is why we have scumbuilds, to critique the current meta from a general perspective. All of us are different and that is great. We should all feel like we can come up with our own opinions and reflect on them. To clarify, this is a very small thread of comments for many reasons, but let’s see where this goes. The train has left the station, we need to think of new topics to start talk about.

Achro: Let’s just say if we work on a general meta post for several days we can come up with some really good ideas. I think that would be a great idea to work on

Lets try some really shallow thinking

Achro: Scumbuild version 2.0.3 will be coming soon! All this shit needs to get out of the way!

Stormwind: Yes I heard you Achro was thinking of changing it to come out less frequently. That’s a good idea

WindwardAway: You hear a lot of people talk about needing more in the way of content because there isn’t enough of it. I feel like the problem with the scumbuild is that it’s often an incredibly one sided conversation

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This is why we have scumbuilds, to critique the current meta from a general perspective. All of us are different and that is great. We should all feel like we can come up with our own opinions and reflect on them. To clarify, this is a very small thread of comments for many reasons, but let’s see where this goes. The train has left the station, we need to think of new topics to start talk about.

i like how a new character pops up at the end


Do we believe what litten says about

Mafia backup
Mafia dnd role
Mafia rolecop
Mafia osu role

He havent mentioned EV.0 as mafia socialiser and I am getting nuclear paranoid of everything right now

Maybe not mafia himself

why hasnt anyone mentioned stormwind this game maybe theyre the last wolf


the only mafia role we can confirm for a fact exists is osu
dnd doesnt
the other 2 are speculative who knows

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Scumbuild version 2.0.3 will be coming soon! All this shit needs to get out of the way!



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not host host announcement

I’m here to handle everything for the next ~hour or so
After that point, everything will be spotty™ until about 2 hours before ITA 3

~ geyde


Apocryphal (5): Achromatic, catbae, Frostwolf103, Chloe, Leafia
ElizaThePsycho (2): Litten, Atlas
Frostwolf103 (1): nutella
Ashlyn (1): Amelia
an_gorta_slanktai (1): Apocryphal

Not Voting (14): an_gorta_slanktai, Ashlyn, benguinedparbecue, crazynuto, ElizaThePsycho, Hazardwaste, Jane, Jarek, RaisinBranEnthusiast, YoubutWorse, Zone_Q11, WindwardAway, Wazza, tutuu

i have no idea what the fuck happened here


Achromatic: I probably dont claim to track daeron going nowhere to start day w/w.

Chloe: wasnt he dying regardless tho?

Achromatic: Yeah but why as wolf do i even think to do that with him dying anyway

WindwardAway: Maybe you didn’t think very hard about it

Achromatic: Now remember who you are talking to

WindwardAway: I know who I’m talking to, and you said you’ve been low impact in this game. You were low impact in witch hunt and said you were satisfied with the town leaders, and yet you deepwolfed to the end by taking a prominent but not leading position in the thread. My point is, you have proven you’re capable of keeping a somewhat chill thread presence as scum by coming across as generally unbothered and casual. So why not do the same in this game? Who says you have to put every ounce of thought into appearing towny, rather than letting it happen naturally on a premeditated claim you know to be true?

Achromatic: Because this isnt anonymous.

WindwardAway: Yes, but you know as well as I do that if you find a tactic that works in an anon game, it can work in a non-anon game too.

Achromatic: Not really tbh. That game i made several choices i dont think i ever would or could as scum. I played up the anonymous aspect a lot to my advantage.

WindwardAway: I know you want me to say that.

Achromatic: And i guess i felt the game was turning me into scum anyway.

WindwardAway: But that doesnt mean it can turn you into anything else!

Achromatic: Not at all.

WindwardAway: This game is serious business.

Achromatic: And scum game.

WindwardAway: I know. Which is why i said i didnt want to turn it into a joke like witch hunt was. I think I am done for the night.

Achromatic: You’re not finished for the night, you’re finished for the week. But i dont think you’re finished for the day, you’re just done for the week.

WindwardAway: Ok cool, i will get ready for bed then.

Achromatic: Take your time, i’ll be asleep in less than 3 minutes.

@WindwardAway if theres a lot of folks who agree with you and have put in the same amount of playtime as you are, and have many other reasons as you do, why do they get so furious at you for saying these things?

You said that you’re pretty sure he’s going to die before too long, maybe next week? I can’t tell you how many people I have seen say that he should be doing more “but he’s playing this as a scum game” or “he’s rolling real high on daeron, I can’t believe he would leave so early!”

A fair question if you ask me.

People have played this game, from my own experience I’ve heard many players, most of them locals, say something to the effect of “we know it’s real”. They’re right in that we do. I know it’s real, he’s been scum from the get-go. He wouldn’t be here without all the cooperation of the other players. We’re lucky to have him.

If you are in that camp and are saying that I shouldn’t post that I know his death is coming, and that I am stabbing him in the back by announcing that, then I would say you are a big part of the problem. You are assuming he is going to die, you are assuming there is an expiration date on my words and that my, and the thousands of others, words are nothing more than an empty threat. As far as I’m concerned, if I tell you he is going to die, he’s going to die. Simple as that.

You have gone on record and shown he is actually holding up remarkably well despite being shit outta luck the whole way. He is good at the game, he is ambitious and often shows skill beyond what we would consider a “local”.

If you cannot handle it, and want to discuss anything you find to be on my behalf, please leave a comment, and i’ll be more than happy to address it.

Achromatic: Please don’t. I say what I think is best, and I am in no way doing anything that you or anyone else has accused me of. All I’m doing is saying what i’ve been saying for months and months.

You do have a lot of people talking and accusing, but you and all the rest of those guys are probably making more noise about this than i ever have.

WindwardAway: No, I’m not. You are not arguing with anyone, you’re just angry and rambling like a madman, that’s not argument at all.

I love playing this game with you, but it has reached a point that I am doing it out of necessity, and I can’t bring myself to play anymore if I have to defend and explain that someone else should play this game out of necessity, or that they should not play it out of necessity. I’m sorry. I know that others have spoken out, and you have chosen to attack those people when you should have defended yourself instead.

If you find this to be an enjoyable game, that is fine, that is what it is supposed to be about, but I find myself unable to play it anymore, I won’t play it, but that is my decision and nobody else’s. If you want to play this game, do what you like, but you have to be honest with yourself that you are not in it for fun, but for truth, and honesty, and justice. The FFT allows for all of that. If you want to play and have fun, do it, but if you don’t, or just to be spiteful, that’s fine, that is your prerogative as well. I simply wish you would stay out of the spotlight.

That’s it. I’m done arguing with you. If you want to argue, I’ll give you a place to go. You’re welcome to come and stay here, in my basement, and if you’re a good role player, you’ll play one of my story arcs in a game I never played. That’s all I have to say.


LMAO it pinged wind

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That’s it. I’m done arguing with you. If you want to argue, I’ll give you a place to go. You’re welcome to come and stay here, in my basement

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last one for the night


Achromatic: I like how i target scum ans windy is trying to twist it to mean i am scum. We had a liat of four and i thought lol was scummy af. Its not a conspiracy.

WindwardAway: It’s because of the timing of your shot. Tbf I haven’t read your ISO and probably should.

Achromatic: I usually quickfire in ita sessions tho, Like the timing was just asap.

WindwardAway: I’ve not read ISO as for the time being, but i just understood what you are talking about it.

Achromatic: The timing was bad for me tho. Maybe some practice here in India and you will get it right.

WindwardAway: As for hitting my horse’s ears and more sorry for that, I’m an AF gateman.

Achromatic: HAHAHAH. you have a scum name…

WindwardAway: No it’s not. I have another blog and a real one. If you are familiar with both, then I have not come across you before in the comments on ita.

WindwardAway: What do you like about ita? what do you not like about ita?

Achromatic: The technicality is differnet. When shooting fast things are very stable. The shapes have no irregularities or illuminations. Ita does offer that and that’s good. It also offers lots of ideas though, and that is all I care about.

WindwardAway: Liking the ideas…less liking the specs.

Achromatic: If you like the small details and would not like the more abstract thinking, i think you will like ita, I don’t like the abstract thinking.

WindwardAway: Just because it’s in black and white doesn’t mean it is abstract. Many abstracts use color. Your personal preference is one that can’t be easily judged by black and white alone.

Achromatic: It’s a personal preference. I have my own thoughts.

WindwardAway: I have also my own personal opinion. You are a tech geek and mine is that i go with my gut.

Achromatic: What I like about ita is that you get some ideas from it, like optical designs, theory, etc.

WindwardAway: Ok. Let me ask you, you’re like a good DJ, you know a good producer is a producer’s job. You know all the secret tricks of the trade and you are comfortable in it. So what do you think of ita? Can you hold a shot for longer than ten seconds, I think of that like a softbulb for me. You are probably one of the best shooters I know. Can you do it?

Achromatic: Basically, ita does provide an unlimited range of ideas, concept, and ideas, but that is different than the technicality of being a producer. Ita is all technical, and it can be shot all day, it gives unlimited flow of ideas, but if you want to put that all together, and produce something really great, it takes a lot of effort.

WindwardAway: I guess. For me, ita is about concepts and ideas. I’m not into the technicality of it.


Achromatic: It’s a personal preference. I have my own thoughts.

WindwardAway: I have also my own personal opinion. You are a tech geek and mine is that i go with my gut.


none of it is quite as good as the stuff it spit out for CRich but his posts were just gold

Achromatic: The timing was bad for me tho. Maybe some practice here in India and you will get it right.

WindwardAway: As for hitting my horse’s ears and more sorry for that, I’m an AF gateman.

Achromatic: HAHAHAH. you have a scum name…

WindwardAway: No it’s not. I have another blog and a real one. If you are familiar with both, then I have not come across you before in the comments on ita.

WindwardAway: What do you like about ita? what do you not like about ita?

Achromatic: The technicality is differnet. When shooting fast things are very stable. The shapes have no irregularities or illuminations. Ita does offer that and that’s good. It also offers lots of ideas though, and that is all I care about.

WindwardAway: Liking the ideas…less liking the specs.


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Oh my god please tell me they didn’t actually kill beancat

i habe bad news