FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

We can probably figure out if it’s Leafia by reading their ISO and seeing if it spews the dead wolves

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known hellbusser

i’m being tongue in cheek though, just imagining the funniest scenario

Who did they choose

marluna because she was the only one who wasn’t considered lock town

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I’m dyeing my hair lmao I disappeared for a bit

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Ok who shoot




wwa is like this silly adorable anime girl she “accidently” shot at a poisoned wolf "oops hehe im such a klutz :yum: "

and then she “accidently” tried to give a poe’d slot a bulletproof/suicide vest "oopsie haha im such a cute airhead :yum: "

watch her now ita achro and be like "oopsie im such an adorable dork hehe my phone autocorrected apo to achro hehehe im such a cute baka :yum: "


But that literally voided the suicide vest

I would fully endorse shooting me if that happened lmao

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The suicide vest would take too long we’re impatient

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i mean the other options were to kill me, amelia, or leafia

yeah it was dumb of us to do that but what you gonna do

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maybe I have a hidden seducing shot

Ok yeah lol


You don’t

maybe I do!

OK cupid