FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

u guys all have chloe as lock town via daytalk, im not that familiar w her so im paranoid

its the opposite for nutella. shes poe to u guys, and to me shes lock town via meta, i have a lot of exp w her. im not sure how much uve guys played w her

this doesnt mean anything, too much. i just thought its cool how they’re reversed. like … my mind was imagining it like … flipped images. or like … in numbers. am i autistic? i might be autistic. how do i find if im autistic

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reading the page

  1. general focus on thread despite not being focused on thread. doesn’t read thread to try to read thread, but still demands explanation for posts on her, and then… just can’t give a scumread

I dont rven have chloe as actuall lock lmao

extremely towny post

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there are tests


thanks tutuu

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spends a lot of time defending herself instead of doing things to get her out of having to defend herself

Be me lol

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this is confusing to me

he says the prerequisite is no biggie but he somehow fucked it up? xD

i also have nutella as lock town fwiw

she’s gotten better as mafia, she endgamed a mash this year, but she had good teammates with her in that one, and also i wasnt in it, but this would still be a career game from her in terms of tone/thought process/etc

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a lot of complaining and a not a lot of doing

Autism is cool i have super powers but also can be a bit too blunt socially

Its a curve


i have Chloe as villager based on mech stuff with their role but I could be getting fooled

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what mash was that that sounds interesting
i might just backread this whole game since we got nothing better to do

all i can find about here is just online questionnares. or how u call it. tests. u just fill them online. is that really an accurate way of measuring it? id thought they’d be needing to like idk something more professional. maybe more professional in ur country? or is it all just online questionnaires

upgrade the right spec tree

why would evo hood Eliza

This never list is impossibly firm. If we get to the game and this is all that remains i dont get it

It shouldntt get that far tho

With tututu if they are alive tomorrow easy kill for two green checks or a red and a green. So thats cool


her first actual doing things is ranking everyones bio