FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

give me mana too

Kill is prob factional

4 because of the playercount

And you dont get the block until n4

You have to consume the essence

where is the list

give it to Chloe/me/ameila/leafia


Can that not be roleblocked?

I thought if whoever carried factional was roleblocked the kill would be roleblocked.

culoe because I want her to buy sometnint for me


Exquisite Corpse: Voting

  • The players in the Exquisite Corpse event have completed their stories, and now you must decide which one is the best!
  • I will post the stories in separate posts. To vote, “like” the post with the story you like better.
  • You may not vote if you participated in the event.
  • Players are not allowed to discuss which story was theirs or who was on their team until voting has concluded, so do not try to ask them!
  • Spectators and dead players may also vote by “liking” the story they like better. You may NOT use this to communicate with spec chat or dead players in any way!
  • Voting will close shortly after EoD. Prizes will be sent out after that.

as i recall no consec


Just do these


alright will submit
but amelia has to promise to be nice


Oh okayge

wind was last night

Listen to them

Story 1:

Catbae woke up in day 1 of FAM3 and immediately chose violence. He mulled over his targets and settled on one suspicious poster. Yes, fuck Marl in particular, he thought to himself.

Stroking his chin, he looked at the big red button labelled “DRONE STRIKE” and contemplated it thoroughly before slamming his paw down. The computer voice gently issued forth from the speaker: “Target confirmed”. When Marl was announced as the target, the wolves were thrown into a panic.

After Marl woke up and realized that they were dying, they lost their mind and started posting incredibly cursed memes in scumchat while the wolves tried to tell them that there was a chance they could survive if they posted well enough because the drone strike could still be called off. Marl, however did not believe they were good enough to fool catbae and continued to make progressively more cursed memes, causing Geyde to promptly delete scumchat out of spite because he wanted to unsee all of them.

While marl’s derangement wracked the scum team with all sorts of internal woes, their next folly was approaching. For people had remembered creature was polarized. Soon all eyes turned towards the next scum to fall victim to the cruel village.

His name was Askorn. He was a nameless member of the Demon-Horde. He was a fount of knowledge and wisdom, who had proven himself worthy of his name and it had earned him the loyalty of the Demon-Horde.

However, Derpos, also one of the demons, believed them to be a mole because they were suspiciously good at identifying and killing the enemies of the Demon-Horde. Despite every renowned demon telling them that there was no way Askorn was a mole, Derpos decided to kill them anyway. Askorn was not a mole and Derpos, who was also not a mole was killed for their crimes against the Demon-Horde.


Lmao youre so greedy


Story 2:

Katze stares at Achromatic, with a notebook and pencil in her hand.
“So, Achromatic, how does it feel catching 9 scum during d2?”
Achro takes a puff of his Cuban cigar, overwhelming the room with smoke, before softly speaking…

“Well, ya see,” drawled Achro, “before we get into how I caught them we gotta look back in time to when I was a young greenhorn. Back in the day, this town was chock full of sussy impostors and I had my pick of the lot when it came to taking down criminals. It’s gotten a lot tamer y’know, and I think my reputation has a hand in that.”

As Achro was reminiscing about his past exploits, without being able to help but boast about his triumphs, the town members listened with mixed expressions of awe and annoyance, growing tired of his egotistical monologue. Finally, one brave player spoke up, interrupting Achro’s self-indulgent narrative, and said,
“You know, Achro, the true strength of a community lies in collaboration and respect, not in the ego of a single player, and it is time we focused on nurturing a welcoming environment for everyone, where we can all enjoy the game together.”
“Stfu and sheep,” Achro retorted, rubbing his fluffy belly with a satisfied smirk on his face, as he drifted into a nap.

As the thread disoriented into chaos upon Achro’s self-indulgent exploits, and Katze’s star interview becomes ruined, her glowly cat-eyes fill with tears. Why, this time, must the thread panic upon Achro, when everyone was so plentifully sheeping him just moments before?
Order is needed in the thread, and only one player, with Achro’s rebuttal and falling immediately asleep without a care in the world, can save it.

So the town decided to add a new player into the game to save it. It’s JOHN CARTER and right then and there the thread gets up and demolishes the wolves alongside him. It was unthinkable to imagine they had ever gotten so far without JOHN CARTER.

If JOHN CARTER has million number of fans I am one of them, if JOHN CARTER has ten fans I am one of them, If JOHN CARTER has no fans, that means I am no more on the earth, if world against JOHN CARTER, I am against the world. I love JOHN CARTER till my last breath… die hard fan of JOHN CARTER. Hit like if u think JOHN CARTER best & smart in the world.



oof already submitted
probably fine